Selective Solidarity

Over the course of the last year, we have witnessed the latest attacks in a seemingly endless story of human tragedy. Thousands of lives have been lost and millions more have been twisted beyond recognition. They weren’t the first, and they won’t be the last, but you could be forgiven for thinking that some of…

2013 in Review or What Was Shit?

Phew! I missed another two months so I am now obliged to set up that twitter account I suggested I might. 2013 shuffled out and we are days into 2014. What did last year bring? Let us be systematic! So at the top of the year, January saw Barack Obama swerve America clear of the…

Playing catch up: Carry On Damascus

Two months, a landmark for neglectful posting! I will resolve to write smaller posts more often and might even invest in a twitter account to aid in my commentary. I have a few more “Playing catch up” posts to do before I’m up to date. I like to call attention to Syria because it seems…

Dance to the democratic mambo (04/07/13)

A new low for me, a month without a post and I shall offer no apology whatsoever, as you’ve come to expect. Happy day! President Mubarak is gone! Decades of dictatorship are over so lets hold an election to install a democratic government…oh, dear, he’s not very democratic at all. We don’t like him very…

Lose, lose: liberalism dies a dismal death (9/7/2012)

The Arab Spring has turned out to be more of an Arab Leaky Tap. Imagine the scene, you’ve toppled a “president for life” dictatorial figure who has ruled your country with more care for their pockets than the people. You have spent months protesting, lobbying and perhaps became embroiled in a minor civil war to…